View Our ProductsGlobal Dog Chew manufactures premium all-natural Himalayan dog chews made of hard cheese (Chhurpi). We source our grade-A Chhurpi through relationships with highly reputable farmers in the eastern Himalayas and process this material at our plant in Kathmandu.
Global Dog Chew (GDC) is unique: we are sister company to Nepal Dog Treat (NDT) in the USA. GDC is the exclusive manufacturer of dog chew products for NDT only, and NDT is the exclusive global distributor of these products outside of Nepal. The foundation for this arrangement is built on family relations, a contractual alliance, and jointly developed Quality Control/HACCP and Recall plans. GDC and NDT operate as a single business entity. This relationship ensures the alignment of financial, product quality, and customer objectives.
Global Dog Chew is registered with the US Food and Drug Administration and certified for production and sale of Chhurpi by the Nepal Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture.
IMPORTANT: All inquiries regarding the manufacture, sale, and distribution of Global Dog Chew products outside of Nepal should be sent to info@nepaldogtreat.pet. Please visit Nepal Dog Treat at www.nepaldogtreat.pet.